
Featured Research

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Featured Research

In collaboration with clinicians from the Nova Scotia Health (NS Health) antimicrobial stewardship team, the SMARTER collective is completing a study to develop, implement, and evaluate impact of incorporating a multifaceted antimicrobial stewardship intervention on appropriate antimicrobial use for hospitalized adults with bacteriuria. This study has been funded by Research Nova Scotia.

The first phase of this project has been completed. A systematic review of antimicrobial stewardship interventions for management of bacteriuria was published in Annals of Pharmacotherapy.

Humphrey M, MacDonald G, Neville H, Helwig M, Ramsey T, MacKinnon H, Sketris I, Johnston L, Black E. (2022) A Systematic Review of Antimicrobial Stewardship Interventions to Improve Management of Bacteriuria in Hospitalized Adults. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. (Online First). https://doi.org/10.1177/10600280221134539

Research Team: Dr. Emily Black (Principal Investigator), Dr. Ingrid Sketris (mentor), Dr. Lynn Johnston (mentor), Paul Bonnar, Heather Neville, Tasha Ramsey, Andrea Kent, Kim Abbass, Valerie Murphy, Olga Kits, Melissa Helwig, Ying Zhang, Constance Leblanc, Samuel Campbell, Keri Coulson

Using published evidence from the systematic review, our team incorporated theory by completing a qualitative study evaluating barriers and facilitators to improvement in antimicrobial use for bacteriuria in Nova Scotia to develop a multifaceted intervention that includes unit level audit and feedback and education for interdisciplinary teams of healthcare providers.

This intervention is being piloted and evaluated at 4 study sites across Nova Scotia. Data collection is ongoing.


Ongoing projects

Members of our team are currently evaluating antimicrobial use for various other infectious syndromes and in other settings including:

  1. Antimicrobial dispensations for women with uncomplicated urinary tract infections in long term care facilities in Nova Scotia Funded by: Drug Evaluation Alliance of Nova Scotia
  2. Delayed antimicrobial prescribing for acute otitis media and pharyngitis in the pediatric patients. Funded by: Drug Evaluation Alliance of Nova Scotia
  3. Prescribing of Lyme disease chemoprophylaxis for tick bites in Nova Scotia Funded by: Drug Evaluation Alliance of Nova Scotia and the Dalhousie University Pharmacy Endowment Fund